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Efficient alternative for RAV - Linux Mail Servers users

June 2003

BitDefender offers an efficient alternative for RAV - Linux Mail Servers users

Migrate today to BitDefender Linux based products and save 60%!

Due to recent events announced by Microsoft and GeCAD Software, RAV Antivirus no longer exists as a product on the market. BitDefender decided to offer a 60% cut-off from its Linux-based antivirus solutions for all RAV Antivirus customers.

Also, if you are currently using another antivirus product for Linux and have experienced security, reliability, or scalability issues - BitDefender has resources available to assist you in moving to the BitDefender Linux suite.

Limited time offer - migrate today and save 60%!

Contact BitDefender to receive a 60% discount off the list price of the Linux Servers, if you are using an antivirus for Linux operating system other than BitDefender.
